WBDV-0064 Erena Ono 小野恵令奈 卒業 AKB48 4年半の真実



DVD theme is “Past, Present, and Future,” to become a photo book and released at the same time. In the past part AKB48 audition, an interview to talk about, such as team K first stage untold story, Chronicle to recording with the past of the VTR. In the current part, recorded AKB48 graduation performances that took place on September 27 (the team K6th performances). And future part is, short movies newly written for the appearance of ‘actress Erena Ono’, captured the work now. Erena Ono is the story of the excitement that drew on the theme of the last day of travel to foreign countries. In addition it was achieved on location grated take latest photo book, Healthy swimsuit on the beach, also recorded, such as adult-like dresses. While interweaving also at the time of the video, which had been active as AKB48 of Erena Ono, it was summed up in the four-and-a-half years activities. Not even a fan is one of the must-have.

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