
Q When was Mayumi interested in sex? A-Won ● When I was a student … Q What was the trigger? A I was looking at an erotic book in the room of an older brother … I was surprised to see a man and a woman naked … Q is the most embarrassing What is your imaginary sex? A-Won … outside … isn’t there a lot of traffic, a place that seems like it might get wet? A Sometimes Q How do you feel? A Touching with your finger Q Can you get a pleasant feeling? A high … very … Q have you tied your body or hands? A is there Q how did you feel? A tie or wrist or … foot … unusual … it feels like doing something dangerous … excited … Q Lastly, what is the most embarrassing sex you have ever done? Ah ~ embarrassed … eh … I licked my anal … I don’t like it … I’m embarrassed … Q What do you want to do from now on? Or maybe … What’s after … Forced to do it … Q Mayumi-chan is M after all A high … I … M is …

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